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There are so many vegetables in this world, many more then we’ve ever eaten, let alone studied. All have their own flavors, textures, uses, and growing areas. Nevertheless, most of us tend to eat only a small group of fruits and vegetables on a more regular basis. Studying and trying all those others though it is important. They might just give you a new taste or texture, or be very suitable to wherever it is you live.

The science of vegetables (and for that matter fruits), is more extensive than you might think. What about?:

  • The chemistry of its colours
  • The unique texture
  • The bitterness of a product like Brussel sprouts
  • The spiciness of peppers
  • The role of zucchini in a cake (in a chocolate cake to be precise)
  • Why it can be hard to soften an eggplant
  • How smart packaging can extend the shelf life of vegetables without any added ingredients
  • The fact that vegetables respire, even after harvest
  • Or the popping of popcorn (did you know not everyone corn can pop?)

We explore these topics separately, but also study vegetables as a whole, trying to paint a picture of all its possibilities!

pumpkin pancakes with sugar syrup

Why pumpkin works in pancakes

We’ve made carrot pancakes, a Dutch style, French crepes, pancakes from the oven, milk-free pancakes and pancakes without eggs. Plenty types of pancakes (and the failed rhubarb pancakes)! So why not make some pumpkin pancakes? What’s great about these pancakes…